Monday, December 2, 2019
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
3 Things Every Las Vegas Business Owner Should Know About SEO
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
Do you plan on starting your own small business in Las Vegas? If so, then you are most likely to run on one of the essential components of sustaining your startup and that is marketing. With this modern day, internet marketing is the new trend of promoting one’s products and services. The key to success in business is building a strong relationship with your customers by using effective marketing strategies. To know more about some of the essential areas of online marketing, read further.
- Keyword research
Before you go deeper into the world digital marketing and SEO in Las Vegas, you have to first understand the importance of keyword research and how you can use this as your competitive edge. Below are two easy and efficient tips that you can quickly integrate into your keyword strategy
- Use Google Suggest in finding high ranking keywords – This is a great tool for users who want to look for the best keywords in their niche. You can simply input two words like “top 5” and it will immediately give you the most relevant keywords in your niche.
- Leverage on your competitor’s keywords – This may not sound so good to you but using your competitors’ keywords is an effective way to dominate in your industry. This is especially true if your competitor ranks higher in your in local searchers. You can use Google Keyword to look into the keyword usage of your competitors’.
- Content marketing
Now that you have laid out all your great weapons in your keyword strategy, your online rankings are now a step closer to increasing. So if your strategy was implemented properly, in a few months, you will see a significant increase in your online presence. While waiting for that to happen, you should move on to another strategy, which is to exert efforts in your content marketing. Focusing on marketing your content highly will help drive more traffic to your site. To generate remarkable content that will sure to deliver value and provide inspiration to your audience, follow the following tips.
- Use your research – When generating content, you should consider incorporating some of the keywords you have picked from your keyword research that are popular online. Using these keywords in your content will let you create more informative, relevant, and valuable articles for your audience. As a result, Google will reward your site by moving its rank up.
- Keep your content engaging – For most industries, many online articles often used the same topic, which means, one article of yours has a great chance of having many rivals. Thus, it is important to create content is highly engaging and valuable to prevent your audience from going to your competitors.
- Stay original – Needless to say, your content has to be original for it to have a high ranking in local search results pages. To do that, you can research something that your audience will not find on any other website then write an article about it.
- Social media
Social media is another popular marketing platform that has huge potential in growing a business. It does not only help you generate leads but it also allows you to establish a solid online brand. In fact, 90% of all marketers have stated that social media is one of the leading causes of the boost in their brand’s online presence. Here are some tips to help you get started.
- Create a plan – Planning should be on your first list before anything else. It is a complete pitfall to jumpstart into social media marketing when you haven’t developed a good plan.
Start small – There are plenty of social networks available for businesses to leverage on. However, since you are only starting, you should just start small by using some of the most popular networks including Facebook and Instagram. This will let you monitor it easily and still maximize your efforts by using these widely popular platforms.
This post 3 Things Every Las Vegas Business Owner Should Know About SEO is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Monday, April 1, 2019
3 Reasons Why Some Business Owners Are Hesitant On Embracing E-Commerce
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
E-commerce took the business world by storm and yet many small business owners and entrepreneurs are still extra cautious about taking introducing it to their business. Truth is, whether a business sells products or services, it can still earn online sales. This article discusses the three barriers that are deterring many service providers from embracing e-commerce, when in fact, their perceived obstacles can be easily addressed with proper planning and use of right tools. Below are the said reasons behind the hesitations of these businesses.
1. You won’t sell a product
It is a common perception among service businesses that e-commerce is not something they can just pursue and do it successfully. In reality, you can still sell but you just have to extra creative on how you can use e-commerce to build your brand. Think beyond what’s in front of you. Many successful apps became as such because, at some point, someone saw a great potential on it that most people have not seen. Write a book for instance or have shirts printed. Think outside the box on how you can convert your skills and knowledge into something tangible that can be easily sold. Not only does this generate you sales but you can also develop your brand through this. The secret is to recognize the extent of your knowledge and how you can leverage on that aside from selling your services.
2. You won’t have enough time
This is probably the leading cause of why most people do not enter into online sales. Things like maintenance, setup, and product shipping demand you to commit your time—time that you might not have. However, contrary to this, e-commerce actually takes a little time. You can set up quickly if you are not very picky on the designs elements and other small things that can take up your time. When creating your website, all you have to do is to ensure that it can easily process and order a product while presenting accurate production information in as few steps as possible. Maintenance can be done by you or you can outsource a freelancer depending on the level of difficulty. But in most cases, maintenance work is just the basics so you can do it yourself. For shipping, you can just have an app installed to automatically print shipping labels and have them ready for courier pick-ups.
3. It’s too expensive
Sure, getting into e-commerce a few years ago used to be costly for many businesses, but it’s not anymore. Even choosing an e-commerce platform won’t cause you to break the bank, not to mention that those platforms like Shopify and Woocommerce have already established an outstanding reputation for many years now. Aside from the monthly subscription for these sites, you’ll probably be only paying for a website developer—if you choose to hire one, that is—which won’t cost that much, especially once you have your site running.
Bottom line
Many service providers are starting to realize the great potential of e-commerce, so while they are still on deciding on it, the quicker you join in the playing field, the better.
Read more e-commerce articles and other digital marketing topics.
This post 3 Reasons Why Some Business Owners Are Hesitant On Embracing E-Commerce is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Common Marketing Mishaps Las Vegas Business Owners Make
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
Online marketing has long since become a vital element in a business’s growth. When
using the right methods and implemented properly, it can help your Las Vegas business engage
with your audience, create brand loyalty, and gain new customers. If you’re a newbie
when it comes to online marketing, it is important to be aware of the possible pitfalls
you may encounter along the way so you can prevent them from hindering the growth
of your Nevada business. Below are the common yet deadly online marketing sins you need to
be cautious of.
Mistake #1: Going on without a website
In today’s technological era, a modern-day consumer typically checks out a
company’s website first to look for information on a certain product or service. This
only means that failing to comply on this ‘unwritten’ rule is like leading your business
to doomsday. Moreover, if you don’t have a website, in all likelihood, customers will
look for other businesses to purchase from. On a good note, making a website today is
not as hard as the old days as there are lots of free and inexpensive hosting
companies to choose from such as Wix or GoDaddy.
Mistake #2: Not implementing an SEO strategy
Say, you’ve already created an attractive and well-functioning website. But what’s the
use of it if nobody can find it in the first place? In order to boost the rankings of your
pages so that searchers can easily find them in search engine results pages (SERPs)
like Google, it is imperative to create and employ an effective Las Vegas SEO strategy.
This also entails researching and incorporating relevant keywords within your site’s content in
order to further increase your ranking. Popular tools like Google Keyword Planner
Tool and Microsoft Bing Ads Intelligence can greatly help you in identifying the most
effective keywords in your niche.
Mistake #3: Absence of a blog
Having a blog can be beneficial for your business, regardless of your industry and the
nature of your business. By producing consistent, compelling and relevant contents
like blogs, it’ll be faster and easier for you to connect with your target audience and
capture new customers. For a more effective way of engaging with your customers
and building a loyal following, make some efforts to respond to every comment on
your blog and leave comments on other reputable blogs to drive traffic to your own.
Mistake #4: Not expanding your presence on social media
When growing your business and increasing your following, it is essential to market
company, brand, and offering on various social media channels. Not branching out on
social media is like walking away from a golden opportunity that is just right in front
of you. If you want to expand your customer reach, you have to start using marketing
strategies that are specifically focused on social media platforms such as Instagram
and Facebook. Share relevant information that will drive attention back to your own
website and you will soon see that your traffic has increased and your business is
getting new customers.
This post Common Marketing Mishaps Las Vegas Business Owners Make is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Top 3 Features Your E-Commerce Store Needs To Set Itself Apart From Competitors
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
As Amazon continues to rule the e-commerce world, smaller online retailers have to
do more to keep up with the competition. Web design, for instance, is a great way for
your e-commerce business to be in the front line of the consumers’ eyes while making
a worthwhile investment in your marketing strategy. As a matter of fact, a recent
consumer survey revealed that there are three main user experience features people
consider extremely important when they browse online: 1) effective navigation, 2)
updated website design and 3) authoritative content.
Ensuring that your website includes these three key features will greatly benefit your
business in many ways apart from enhancing your site’s user experience. Investing in
good navigation, site design and quality content also have significant impacts on
branding and SEO. This article tackles on how each feature plays a role in achieving
high-quality and effective UX.
1. Effective navigation opens up a way for a smooth web experience
A survey has revealed that 94% of the respondents think that simple and effective
website navigation is the number one site feature that is important to them. The easier
your site is to navigate, the simpler and more efficient they can access your content
the way they want to. Modern consumers have short patience when it comes to
websites, hence, as an e-commerce brand, you have to create a linear navigation menu
to guide your visitors in your site.
Take for example Amazon’s navigation bar, it has a clean-cut menu structure that
makes it easy for consumers to move from one page to another. The UX of Amazon
focuses on the search bar that allows any user direct access to its wide selection of
products. Its search function offers a variety of great features allowing users to search,
filter, and view search results using Amazon’s auto-complete filtering and guidance
functionality. So if you use Amazon as your inspiration for your site’s UX, you have
to ensure that your navigation is constant and intuitive so shoppers can easily find
what they need.
2. Up-to-date site design invokes customer trust
Most people are attracted to a trendy website provided that it won’t disrupt with their
content consumption or any objective they had in visiting that website. A pleasant
website UX indicates that your website and company are worthy of the visitor’s trust.
Visual appearance is crucial in convincing people that your site content is not only
relevant but also authoritative. Moreover, this also signals that your e-commerce
business is successful, and thus, can be trusted. Trendy website designs entice visitors
and generates trust, whereas good website UX focuses more on providing
functionality and ease of use. As an owner of an e-commerce business, you should
consider designing your website that will come out beautifully and combine it with
the right functionality for optimal user experience.
3. Authoritative and relevant content keeps your customers
In order to retain customers and drive more sales, you must offer valuable content.
The best content is one that is authoritative and valuable that provides answers to your
visitors’ problems and pain points. By creating content that will educate and resolve
the issues of users, you can gain the trust and sales of the widest audience possible.
People visit your site for different reasons including to gain information, learn from
you or complete a sales transaction. You can make use of user intent mapping
software to know the reasons why visitors go to your site. By tracking how people
navigate your site, you can gain insights why people visit you, which part(s) of your
site they frequent on, and how you can optimize your site design and content that will
resonate with these behavior patterns.
This post Top 3 Features Your E-Commerce Store Needs To Set Itself Apart From Competitors is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Ways To Improve Your Marketing Game That Will Focus On Targeting
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
In the marketing world, there’s no escaping the real battle with every brand and
retailer vying for the attention of their target audiences. One of the big reasons why
traditional marketing has become obsolete as opposed to digital marketing that has
gained the favor of most people is because nearly everyone today is on the internet.
As a result, brands saw that it is sensible to allocate resources and focus on where
they are likely to get the highest ROI and that is digital marketing.
Social media marketing has proven time and time again that it is one of the best ways
to tap into digital marketing. Outside of being an extremely sufficient avenue, this
marketing form is the ideal way to go because popular social media platforms are
known for attracting users and keep them coming back.
Currently, millennials are the largest generation that makes use of social media,
which is why it is a bad idea to ignore them.
And so, here are some simple yet effective ways you can up your
marketing game that will resonate with millennials.
1. Conduct challenges to boost audience engagement and convert them into sales
Not every time millennials browse their Facebook and Instagram feed are they
looking for things to buy. Bearing this in mind, it is crucial to be creative about the
types of marketing campaigns you will use. They should be able to stand out from the
competition and be able to engage with your millennial audiences to make them trust
your brand and eventually turn into customers. It has been discovered that challenges
and contest will do exactly those things as most people love dares and challenges. So
think of a challenge that will keep them engage and make them willing to participate
in. The challenges will be a great opportunity for you to highlight your brand and
engage with them even more.
2. Keep it simple but conversational
Millennials are clever and they will hardly be impressed if your marketing methods
are obviously too ‘salesy.’ In addition, it is difficult to attract them as they likely
encounter a great deal of clutter every day from various platforms they engage on. If
this is the case, what should you do then?
For starters, cut to the chase. Most social networks offer users the chance to upload
different forms of content including images, videos, text, GIFs and more. As a
marketer, those several opportunities will get in your way of reaching your audience.
The key here is to know how to deploy the alternatives properly so your content
generation spends does not go to waste. Keep your messages simple and
conversational. Millennials dislike jargon and are attracted to brands that use their
lingo. Speaking to them in their own language is the best way to get their attention.
3. Use a chatbot for your business
A good chatbot is a great tool for your business. In fact, chatbots have become an
important player in the lives of social media platforms. As you have probably noticed,
Facebook is the most notable social channel today that uses chatbots. With chatbots,
you have the opportunity to gain more customers by showcasing your product catalog
and providing them the option to buy your offerings. For instance, Facebook users
have the option to purchase items without having to leave Messenger.
Moreover, chatbots help provide a personalized experience to potential buyers by engaging with
them. They achieve this by letting you categorize your users based on actions they
have taken. As a result, it also allows you to produce content based on their needs.
Interested in learning more about digital marketing and SEO? Visit Bobs SEO, an online
marketing strategist with over 20 years experience.
This post Ways To Improve Your Marketing Game That Will Focus On Targeting is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Why You Need SEO For Your Portland Business
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
Portland is the largest city in Oregon and a major port in the
Willamette Valley. As of 2017’s statistics, Portland is the 26th largest city in the United States
and the second most populous in the Pacific Northwest with an estimated population of 647, 805.
Imagine the number of potential consumers from that enormous population. It would be such a
huge waste for you to pass up the opportunity to build a business in Portland. What’s more, the
‘Rose City’ is home to several Fortune 500 companies, including Nike and Precision Castparts. Technology
and breweries are two of the major industries in the city.
So, if your business belongs to one of those industries or just to any other industries, then you
will surely need SEO for your Portland business. Why? Find out below.
Portland SEO services to improve your site visibility
Anyone who has a functioning website especially one that is mainly used for business operations
understands full well the significance of online visibility. The more competitive your industry or
niche is, then the more important SEO services are to your business’s success.
Hire an SEO agency that is not only results-driven but is also a goal and success-driven in order
to provide you with outstanding quality services for your money. SEO is the key that will bring
success to your business in this digital age we live in.
First, what is SEO?
Not knowing and being unfamiliar with the term ‘SEO’ or Search Engine Optimization is
nothing to be ashamed of. That is perfectly fine especially if you’re new to the business and
digital marketing things.
SEO is a practice used by digital marketers and SEO experts to improve a site’s content, HTML
markup and the overall structure of the website. When developing your web pages, we optimized
those elements so that search engine algorithms can easily understand what your site is about.
Each web page has to be optimized individually for your main target keywords and phrases.
Keywords are queries that are related to your products/services or brand that you want to be
visible for when an online user searches for them.
The importance of SEO
Every effective SEO strategy starts with proper on-page SEO optimization. No matter how much
efforts you’ve exerted and how much money you’ve invested, if your site structure and semantic
markup are incorrectly done, then you may never be able to rank.
Using the incorrect HTML elements to mark up your page content can be fatal to your site’s
ranking and visibility. Another mistake is the use of heading tags to style text. Remember that
these on-site SEO elements are very important as they are essential in defining the content of
your web pages. If done right, search engines can index your web pages and determine content or
keyword that have the most bearing for each page.
We have been in the SEO business even before Google came about
In implementing Portland SEO services your site, we perform the following procedures
1. Ensure your site is optimized for your products or services
2. Check if your site is mobile-friendly and each page’s content uses the right semantic
3. Perform competitive analysis
4. Conduct keyword research
5. Analyze the content of your pages
6. Determine the type of SEO services your business needs
This post Why You Need SEO For Your Portland Business is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
SEO Services in Portland
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
Beer and books—not exactly an everyday combination that any person could think of but believe
it or not, these two B’s are closely associated to the city of Portland in the state of Oregon.
Beer because the city is famous for its microbrewery and craft beer and books because it is
where Powell’s Books (self-claimed largest independent new and used bookstore in the world) is
As the largest city in Oregon and with a flourishing business sector, it is no wonder why many
entrepreneurs and business people gravitate to this place. While it is indeed a great opportunity to
establish a business in Portland, it can also be a nightmare to make a business stand out here.
Portland SEO is essential to your success
Doing business in the large city of Portland, Oregon, not to mention a place where several
industries are thriving well can be a whole lot of burden to take on. In this modern-day era, it is
only right for people to take advantage of technology in improving their lifestyles. For business
owners, the inception of the internet has been a huge blessing for them, which later on, resulted
in the birth of digital marketing.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a major aspect of online marketing and is one of the most
influential tools in positioning your business in front of potential buyers that have already
displayed interests for your products or services.
Our SEO campaigns are specifically tailored to your specific target market and encompass a
wide variety of effective practices such as link building, website optimization, content
marketing, keyword tracking, competitor analysis and so much more.
Our SEO services include but not limited to
Being constantly updated on the things that work today is as important as having the right
expertise and background in the future of the SEO industry. We use only the best SEO services
that hit the mark.
Link building
Even though link building has undergone several significant changes over the years, the fact
remains that a diverse and natural link building strategy still triumphs when it comes to SEO
marketing for Portland businesses.
As part of our services, we implement strategies for guest posting, press releases, and
many other link building methods with a healthy blend of links from websites that has strong
domain authority in your specific industry.
Content marketing
Our link building strategy can be maximized if you pair it with a tactical content marketing
strategy. Content marketing is a kind of inbound marketing technique that uses the art of writing
and optimizing target blog contents and posts that targets customers’ pain points. In doing so,
your content will show up when a customer searches for an online solution to their problem.
Research and audits
In conduction keyword research and performing website audits and competitor analysis, we
make use of proven and tested tools and software to know exactly the areas we can target on to
position your business at the top of SERPs. In addition, we base our research and strategy to your
goals to ensure that the right keywords are being ranked for.
Website SEO
Creating a website that is SEO-oriented is imperative so that crawlers can easily recognize your
site. Things like headlines and image captions are carefully considered in order to improve your
ranking. Every tiny little detail of on-site optimization will be taken care of to help your business
grow in the best possible way.
This post SEO Services in Portland is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
SEO Expert in Portland
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
An effective SEO strategy is used to increase your site’s traffic by enhancing its overall online
visibility in search engines from organic search listings. The beauty of looking for an SEO expert
in a big city like Portland, Oregon is that you have lots of options to choose from. However, on
the flip side, a large town like Portland may also mean a large competition waiting for you
especially if your industry leaning towards the general and common side. Nonetheless, with so
many great SEO experts in Portland, chances are, you’re gonna find one that matches exactly the
things you are looking for in an SEO company.
There are two kinds of SEO
On-site SEO
You’ve probably read or heard complicated information about what SEO is. While those are
probably telling the truth, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in the simplest terms, is the
process of telling search engines what your site wants to show up for.
Truth is, many people don’t truly understand SEO and as to the reasons why they need it.
Surprisingly, other people have lasting impressions about SEO being a negative technique. The
good thing here is all legit SEO companies only use ‘White Hat’ SEO since it is what Google
wants a website to practice instead of its negative counterpart.
Some of the components of on-site SEO includes:
- Title tags – the key to effective title tags is good keyword research and relevance.
Optimize only for phrases that are relevant to your page, otherwise, you won’t succeed
and you’re simply wasting your time and effort. - Page content – make sure to provide interesting and relevant information. Do not ever
copy-paste from Wikipedia and other sites for that matter. Use your own words as best as
you can. - Meta descriptions – this is the snippet that shows under your title tags in search results.
To maximize their benefits, incorporate the same keywords you are using in the title tags
but elaborate more about them. - Heading tags – these serve as your secondary title tags and they appear in search results
as well when done right. - Off-site SEO – Once you have put up your site on the internet, the next thing you should do is to implement
ways that you can drive traffic to your site. And this is where off-site SEO comes in. Google
only wants the most relevant and credible sites to show up in search results and one of the many
ways that Google determine this is to take a look at the sites linking to yours as well as the
volume of traffic coming into your site from other sites.
Fortunately, link building can be done in various ways.
- First, if you’re a B2B type, you can ask your clients to link to you.
- Another way is to write informational and interesting content and post it on high domain
sites. - You can also use video optimization to bring in traffic from YouTube and other video
domains. - Or, you can have your site listed on popular online directories
Anything can be done so long as your approaches are within the guidelines of Google and what
Google considers as legitimate.
This post SEO Expert in Portland is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
How is Instagram the Future of E-Commerce
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
Have you heard of the saying that Instagram is the modern day catalog? Many experts
and digital marketing pros agree with this. Why? This is because many brands and companies
today now use Instagram to present themselves using stunning imagery or behind-the-
scenes video clips that take their audiences on a remarkable journey.
The role of Instagram in the E-commerce Landscape
Instagram as the modern catalog appeals to consumers because this tool presents them
brands that contain relevant information they are looking for. However, the one thing
that truly makes Instagram an incredibly powerful tool is its ability to allow
consumers to buy products that interest them.
With the newfound ability to discover and consume, Instagram is indeed a powerful
platform for both brands and shoppers. Thanks to its focus on visual discovery,
Instagram opens up a great opportunity for an immersive and detailed shopping
experience. If you seriously think about the organic shopping opportunities available
today and the popularity of Stories format, you will clearly see the path Instagram has
taken on. In other words, the future of social commerce is in the hands of Instagram.
Instagram caters to many niches
In fact, at present, Instagram is a highly well-known tool when it comes to things like
food, beauty, fashion, and travel destinations. The commendable thing about this
platform is that it continues to innovate and design new features to keep up with other
powerful social platforms in the current competitive environment.
Why is Instagram the future of e-commerce brands?
Considering its user base, one could say that Instagram has significantly enhanced its
e-commerce game by never stopping in building out its shopping features. To be
specific, users can now shop on videos that show up in their feeds and save certain
products to their shopping collection. And because of these features, the way e-
commerce brands use Instagram dramatically shifted. As long as your products
continue its high quality and your ads stay relevant, Instagram is the future of your e-
commerce brand.
Before, Instagram was used by many brands as a mere destination to promote their
products. Brands would then direct users to a link in their Instagram bio, lead them to
a shopping page, and eventually down the funnel to the shopping cart. However,
today, consumers can directly find products via Instagram Stories, making it easier for
them to shop. Presently, Instagram stories are destinations for around 400 million
accounts across the world and they offer to consumers quicker access to product
information and simpler shopping journeys.
Apart from the seamless shopping experiences within the Instagram app, it will be
more exciting to witness consumers creating a curated list of preferred brands. This
way, they’ll have a more efficient shopping experience on Instagram. Looking into the
future the way in which this platform allows its users to engage with other users in the
context of shopping should be a key factor of how this experience scales.
In creating products and building platforms, brands often consider how consumers
engaged with these tools. For Instagram, it is obvious from the data that this social
media platform is observing that brands and companies have embraced it. Due to
Instagram’s great job at understanding consumer behavior and ensuring that its
platform won’t interrupt the overall customer experience, modern-day shopping has
become seamless and more convenient.
This post How is Instagram the Future of E-Commerce is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
SEO Company in Portland
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
Technology is a massive component of Portland’s economy with over 1,200 technology
companies present within the metro. The city’s metro area has evolved into a business cluster for
several business industries, mainly for footwear and athletic manufacturers.
If you’re looking for a Portland SEO company that you can trust, we can be that for you as our
company only delivers results using strategies that truly work. We will help you grow your
business and rank your site higher on Google and other major search engines. Portland is
anything but small and the keyword “Portland SEO” is even becoming harder to get ranked on
the first page.
Our Portland SEO services
Our service is everything about delivering a high return on the investment of your clients. In
other words, all our SEO services will pay for themselves even in a span of a short period of
time. We only employ ‘White Hat’ SEO techniques so you can rest assured that we mean you
well and no harm at all.
In addition, our SEO techniques will allow you to earn more customers and profits in the future.
If you will concentrate on enhancing your organic search rankings, you can enjoy benefits in the
future without the need for additional investments.
Why use our SEO services?
Our SEO company will help you get a higher ROI. The common pitfalls of many businesses
today are that they invest thousands of dollars in online ads in hopes of people clicking their
banner ads. When you think about it, only a handful of people truly click on those things.
But with SEO, you can reach and attract a specific audience that is actively searching for your
brand or business. In this case, you are no longer just mere hoping that someone stumbles upon
your ad and clicks it.
A real SEO professional knows what the best optimization methods for your site are and he/she
can be able to rank your site for certain keywords in a short time.
Are you looking for Portland SEO on a budget?
Worry no more because a low-budget SEO does not necessarily mean a poor quality service.
Nope, absolutely not. In this case, you can opt to look for an SEO company that can provide you
with a contract-based agreement. So, instead of simultaneously optimizing multiple of your
pages, we can have some pages optimized at different times.
This way, it will help you minimize the costs and give it another go again for when you are
financially ready for more. Regardless of the size of your budget, we always find ways to help
your business grow.
How to find a good Portland SEO company?
There are lots of options in finding a good SEO company to work with. For one, you can ask for
referrals from your friends or from online blogs and review sites. If that’s good for you, then
great. If not, you can also try other options.
Looking for a trusted SEO company in Portland that delivers quality results is no easy task. There’s truly no
easy way to know someone is just making big talks you want to hear in order to make a sale, or if
they are truly knowledgeable and experienced on what they do.
This post SEO Company in Portland is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Internet Marketing in Portland
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
Besides being called “The City of Roses”, the nickname “PDX” which is the airport code for
Portland International Airport has also reached the ears of many local residents. If you live in
Portland or have visited the city in the past, you would notice that its cityscape got most of its
character from the several bridges, which explains its other nickname, “Bridgetown.”
When it comes to Portland’s economy, the technology sector is considered a major component.
In fact, Intel, a computer parts manufacturer is Portland’s largest employer, with over 15,000
people working for the giant tech company. So, bearing those in mind, it’s not much of a surprise
to know that the internet marketing industry is also booming in the Portland city.
The importance of an online presence
Regardless of the nature and size of your business, the internet has already made itself a
necessity for businesses that want to succeed in the 21 st century. A huge portion of consumers
uses the internet to shop and research about certain products or services. Thus, if your Portland
business does not have even an ounce of online presence, then do not be shocked if your business
will fail.
Internet marketing services in Portland, OR
As a premium internet marketing company, we offer quality services when it comes to organic
search engine optimization such as social media, content optimization, traffic monitoring,
keyword research and many more for the Portland area. Our leading-industry internet marketing
techniques have brought so much joy and satisfaction to owners of small, medium and even large
We use data-driven approaches in designing and optimizing the perfect digital marketing mix for
each of your clients. We offer social media, content marketing, SEO, analytics, and so much
Some of the common internet marketing services are…
Search Engine Optimization
Search engine algorithms are infamous for their unpredictable changes and a good Portland
internet marketing agency should be aware of the latest changes and developments in the SEO
world. Instead of using outdated strategies and techniques, a capable Portland SEO company
should be able to employ the latest and advanced methods in improving your online presence
and boosting your site’ ranking.
Social Media Marketing
Social media may seem like a very easy digital marketing component mostly because it is the
most familiar and modernized type but in actuality, it is much beyond just posting and tweeting.
It is a crucial part in supporting all other digital components especially content marketing, SEO
and more. Just like other digital channels, an effective social media marketing also follows a
scientific and systematic process.
Pay Per Click
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is another integral element of the digital mix because it is
interwoven to paid search and social media ads. Similar to all search, SEM is liable to constant
changes. So, your Portland internet marketing service provider should have a team of AdWords
and Analytics certified and updated on the most recent optimization practices. This way, they can
easily help you meet your objectives by incorporating paid search into your digital marketing
Web Design
Your website is the topmost tool that reflects your brand image and attracts potential customers
and business relationships. Moreover, your site has to be capable of engaging visitors and
compelling them to take certain actions.
This post Internet Marketing in Portland is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Digital Marketing Agency in Portland
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
With an estimated population of 647,805 as of 2017, Portland is the largest city in the Oregon
state and ranks 26 th largest in the overall nation. Just like many other cities in the United States,
the Portland city also has its fair share of varied nicknames. The most commonly known one is
“Rose City” or “The City of Roses,” the latter being the official nickname of the city since 2003.
Portland is also popular for its quality living.
In fact, the city is ranked 42nd worldwide when it comes to the quality of living according to
several factors like personal freedom, crime, political stability, housing, sanitation, education, and
many more. In 2012, Portland was considered among the 10 best retirement places in the country.
Digital Marketing Portland, OR
Many business owners in Portland are having the time of their lives right now, however, there
are also those that are struggling to make their Portland business work and stand out in the
swarming marketplace. If you’re one of the not-so-lucky ones, then it may be time for you to
seriously consider working with a digital marketing agency.
What do we do for you?
As a Portland digital marketing agency, we always make it a point to truly understand the
depth of your goals as our clients. Once we have completely understood your goals, we
then proceed to make decisions based on those goals. You can do all the talking at first
while we listen. Afterward, we will share our ideas for improvement.
We work using our honest and sincere hearts for you. We have your best interests in
minds so rest assured that we will only be selling you something that your business will
truly need. There’s no room for lies and dishonesty in our business.
We are immensely experienced in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as this
aspect will play a very important role in successfully marketing your business. Potential
customers will only pay attention to your site if it appears on giant search engines like
Google and Yahoo.
What kind of services do we offer?
Learn more about SEO, web design and other important digital marketing services in our
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Most consumers use the internet to find products/services/businesses. SEO is an indispensable
part of any digital marketing plan to drive more qualified leads and sales.
Web Design and Development
Aim for mobile and search-engine-optimized websites that help you in achieving your business
Social Media Marketing
Social media campaigns will help you expand, market and engage your audience on social
Pay per Click
If you want fast results, you can use PPC to quickly reach your customers.
Video Production
Storytelling through the use of videos has a great potential of taking your brand to a whole new
level. Video marketing when done right can powerfully impact your business.
Content Writing
Any content on a website is crucial as it serves as the foundation of your SEO and one of the
main reasons many people go to your site.
Reputation Management
Online reviews and online reputation can either enhance or destroy your success online so it is
important to have it managed well by experts like us.
Email Marketing
We can make your business stand out from the competition with email marketing.
This post Digital Marketing Agency in Portland is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Benefits of AI To Small Businesses
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
For other small business owners, the thought of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into their business can scare them away. With its nature, AI can easily be misinterpreted as an extremely complex tool that only computer scientists and other tech experts can rightfully master. However, this kind of thinking is not right. Truth is, there are so many ways that small businesses can leverage on AI right now. They must act on it immediately before their competitors will realize its potential. As AI is gaining the well-deserved attraction it should have, many businesses—big or small—are now jumping to the opportunity of implementing it, thus, it’s even more important for small businesses to take advantage of this remarkable technology. Here are five ways that AI can greatly benefit small businesses.
- For data collection and analysis
AI can help small businesses in determining what areas of your website that keeps your customers coming back to you, which in turn, helps you in discovering new market niches to target on. With AI, small businesses can now gather a significant amount of data that they can leverage on to develop their performance. Profound features like sentiment analysis and machine learning algorithms that monitor the preferences and behavior of customers are just a few of the notable mechanisms of AI.
- Hire smarter
Small businesses are in for some tough competition when it comes to hiring top talents with the looming presence of so many bigger organizations around them. When compared to large companies, applicants feel a much strong pull towards them than they have for smaller companies. However, things are much better now—at least for small business owners—with the emergence of AI. AI-based applications are capable of deterring the type of communications that appeal most to certain candidates, discover solid leads in unlikely places, and give insights to companies about the work history of a candidate.
- A more efficient organization
Rather than saying that AI will replace people in their jobs, it’s more correct to say that AI is a technology that takes tasks. Most of these tasks are backend from accounting, scheduling, and other forms of everyday tasks. In the case of small businesses where they have limited employees, it is all the more important to have AI that will streamline these time-consuming tasks for them. Any technology that can get rid or lessen the burden of tedious tasks to give employees extra time for other more significant work is a friend of humanity, which is exactly what AI technology does to us.
- Better customer service
With the conception of online communication channels, consumers are now anticipating to have more engagement with businesses than before. Hence, it is crucial for companies to create ways on how they can appease their customers. Fortunately, through the help of AI, we now have chatbots and other AI-based communication channels that provide exceptional benefits for small businesses. This is especially helpful for small companies who cannot bear the cost of maintaining a 24-hour customer service. Now with AI-powered chatbots, customers can be assisted with any of their concerns whenever they want to, offering small businesses that chance to boost their customer service and eventually, generate more sales.
Bobs SEO is a search engine optimization consultant based in Las Vegas, Nevada.
This post Benefits of AI To Small Businesses is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Content Marketing Tips To Boost Organic Search Traffic
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
Content marketing is one powerful digital marketing avenue that can increase a website’s organic search traffic. Online users are greatly interactive with content—regardless of the type—and share it on various platforms like their social media accounts and their own websites. As a result, all those shares and backlinks will be the fuel to keep your SEO running just fine, and ultimately increasing your link authority. The more links you can get from high-quality sites, the higher the possibility of your rank getting a better rank. That said, earning new links—and high-quality ones at that—requires hard work. Below are content marketing tips that will help you acquire more links to your content.
- Generate optimal content types
Suffice it to say, every content type has a home in search. Choosing the right type of content that can satisfy the need from keyword research is vital to your success. While some users prefer long-form article, there are still other opportunities. You don’t need to default to screens of text in hopes of augmenting your SEO. Videos, for instance, are natural. As we all know, YouTube is considered the second largest search engine making it extremely important to consider in every SEO and content marketing strategy. Other examples are images and infographics which offer a different kind of search opportunities.
- Make sure to put descriptive text
Just like any content type, you have to ensure that you put alongside some descriptive content. For instance, in videos, you can place a summary on the description box or maybe include a transcript. You have to describe the meaning behind your image and not just depend on visuals alone. Otherwise, your natural search performance will suffer and you will lose visitors who are visually impaired.
- Avoid using jargon as much as you can
For the most part, consumers do not search for technical terms unless they are looking for a definition. Of course, there are a handful of exceptions. Health industry, for instance, cannot help but sprout jargons. Meanwhile, searchers are left with no choice but to use the same technical terms in their searches. In your case, use descriptive and clear phrases as much as you can. If possible, write as plainly as you could and avoid all those flowery words. Or if you really need to write in a marketing tone then at the very least combine the jargon with descriptive words.
- Keep them relevant
You have a plethora of topics that you can write about, however, you have to always stay relevant. It goes without saying that any content or blogs you write, they have resonated with what you are selling.
- Sell something
Sales and content marketing are said to be two elements that don’t work well together. Well, obviously, shoppers are more inclined to leave if your content is filled with branding and product pitches that don’t increase the value. However, producing how-to articles will introduce a suggested list of items to complete the task along with the backlinks to your relevant products. Say, a consumer has read your article and is thinking of proceeding to the next step, then having a list at the bottom or at the side will be extremely hopeful.
Bobs SEO – a Las Vegas digital marketing agency.
This post Content Marketing Tips To Boost Organic Search Traffic is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Marketing Methods That Will Help Build Your Brand
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
There’s no such a thing as a brand that only took overnight to build. Creating an effective brand, however, is possible, provided that a person is updated and well-versed with all major branding strategies. A person is drawn to a particular brand over the other because he or she feels a connection with that brand. The brand, on the other hand, has to be something that has established an image that sets itself apart from others and encourages people to buy its products or services for all the right reasons.
With marketing, achieving this goal is within your reach because not only does it makes your business look smart, it also makes your customers feel smart. Hence, it is imperative to know a couple of marketing hacks to create a strong and effective branding strategy. That said, here are a few marketing methods to help you enhance your brand building efforts.
- Tell a story
You can’t exactly expect anyone to buy your products just because you have positioned your brand in front of the customers. People shy away from brands that do not tell a valuable story. A brand story includes information about where your brand came from, your beliefs and principles, how they have molded you throughout the years, and how they have adapted to meet your customers’ needs and perspectives. Highlight your brand story and customers will eventually appreciate your efforts.
- Add personal touches
As a brand, you should be able to make customers feel like you care for them. You have to go extra lengths in ensuring that your marketing activities are implemented in an effort to make your customers feel cherished and prioritized. To do that, you have to add personal touches to your marketing practices so that your customers will feel special, hence, enhancing your brand’s charm in their mind.
- Provide sensible discounts
Offering sales discounts is a great thing, however, you have to know your limits. For instance, selling your products at half prices than their initial costs in your physical store and then providing large discounts online is an extremely bad idea. Instead, you have to devise a plan that will balance the sale system across your retail stores and online shops. In addition, do not offer too many discounts or sale seasons if you’re a premium brand. Premium products should not be frequently on sale, as this will defeat the purpose of having the premium attribute.
- Expand your social media presence
Social media marketing is considered one of the popular digital marketing avenues for a good reason. With social media platforms, you can easily and smartly advertise your brand and establish an enviable reputation among your potential customers. Social media is an influential factor in most (if not all) youngsters these days—an age group that makes up most of your key customers. Be it on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you have to ensure that your digital marketing strategy is upbeat, vivacious, and resonates with the different needs of many social media platforms.
Post by: Bobs SEO – a digital marketing consultancy in Las Vegas, NV.
This post Marketing Methods That Will Help Build Your Brand is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Benefits Of Positive Customer Reviews
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
In this day and time, customer reviews have become one of the powerful forces in the digital world, specifically SEO. Take it from statistics revealing that 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business, 84% trust reviews the same way they trust personal recommendations, and 93% say that reviews play a significant role in their buying decisions. Apart from influencing purchase decisions and affecting your online reputation, customer reviews can affect your search engine optimization. With that in mind, having customer reviews as one of your strategies can help you lift up your brand across the board.
How Reviews Are Used By Customers
Buyers, especially meticulous ones, tend to read through the review section of the websites when they have made up their mind on what they need and hence, is looking for a business or brand to fulfill that need. Upon reading a review, customers make hasty conclusions about whether a product is worth buying or not. Most consumers tend to feel confident enough to trust a business after reading at least four positive reviews while just a single negative review can immediately discourage people to buy.
How Positive Reviews Help Your SEO
And so, here are five benefits that you can get from your customers’ positive reviews with regards to your SEO.
- Act as user-generated content
Positive customer reviews serve as your main source of user-generated content about your business, each of which, provides a valuable and trusted source of information. No matter how much self-praise you shower on your business, it won’t create a significant impact because praises from customers hold much more weight. The more positive reviews your company has, the higher the chance of you getting new customers.
- Improve keyword traffic
Notice that when customers post reviews, they usually use some kind of language. For instance, they could write phrases like “the best SEO service provider I’ve ever tried.” Consequently, as your company starts to get clicks from review sites that have such phrases, Google and other search engines will also start to associate equate your company with those positive phrases.
- Increase social engagement
Social engagement in the digital space refers to the interactions and engagement made on social media. This social engagement can be enhanced by the addition of customer reviews in your social marketing strategy. By displaying how other people think about your products or services, it will help increase your products or services popularity all the while boosting your social engagements as well as overall sales.
- Helps establish a highly-rated site that is favored by algorithms
Needless to say, search engine algorithms are inclined to give the highest credits to websites with high ratings. As a result, your ratings can skyrocket with the help of positive customer reviews. Aside from increasing your authority and social proof, positive reviews also contribute to ratings on their own. In fact, review signals amount for almost 10% of the total ranking factors that algorithms based their ranking decisions on.
- Provide visible star ratings
If your company is seen on the search results with a gleaming star rating, then people are bound to determine if they trust your products enough to pay a visit to your website. Businesses that have high star ratings accompanied with their name can relish the privilege of a boost in traffic and possibly, increase in sales, too.
This post Benefits Of Positive Customer Reviews is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Digital Marketing in Jacksonville Florida
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
Even during the early 1910s, Jacksonville, the River City was already famous. In fact, it is
known as ‘The Winter Film Capital of the World’ before there was a Hollywood. Now,
Jacksonville, while may no longer be the film hub of the world, it excels in several sectors
including banking and finance, healthcare, and logistics.
How is digital marketing at Jacksonville, Florida?
Apart from the prominent industries mentioned above, digital marketing is also in full bloom in
the city of Jacksonville. Not that anyone is surprised considering the abundance of companies
and organizations of all sizes and types today coupled with the perpetual popularity of the
As a business owner yourself, you know how much you need customers for your business to
grow. But how will customers know that you’re out there and that you’re offering what they
need? Easy—digital marketing. A digital marketing agency with sufficient experience in the
field should be able to convert your site visitors into real customers and increase your brand
Indeed, the digital marketing world can be an overwhelming place to be especially now that we
have ads for various social media channels like Instagram and Facebook, videos, Google Ads,
mobile apps, and many more. On top of that, you also have to consider how you can make each
of those avenues SEO-friendly, making digital marketing even more challenging than ever. That
said, do not worry. This is where a Jacksonville digital marketing company comes specifically in
But what does a Jacksonville digital marketing company do in the first place?
You cannot find a business similar to yours in all aspects. The same as how no two businesses
are the same, no two digital marketing strategies should also be the same. In digital marketing,
there’s no one solution that fits all. A good Jacksonville digital marketing agency should be able
to give you a tailored marketing plan that is designed to match your company’s needs. They will
also work with you in determining what combination of online marketing tools will best suit
your business.
Web Development And Design
Your website has to be unique and pleasant enough to capture the attention of your customers all
the while still being easy to navigate. Your Jacksonville marketing agency will examine your
website structure, design, and layout, and possibly, create a new one for you.
Search Engine Optimization
For the SEO aspect of your digital marketing campaign, is it a must for your agency to be expert
and well-versed in both business directory and reputation management. They should be able to
bring in the right traffic to your Jacksonville business so that customers can easily find you.
Content Writing
A digital marketing agency should have experience SEO writers that will generate fresh content
for your site and blogs with SEO and content quality in mind.
Social Media Marketing
One of the major points of a digital marketing strategy is engaging with your audience and
customers through social media. Your agency should be able to manage your social media
accounts and campaigns or run them entirely in your place.
PPC ads will give your marketing campaign an instant boost. However, without the right
knowledge and expertise, PPC may cost you many dollars without even getting a high ROI. The
right digital marketing agency will ensure that your investment will get the best return possible,
driving both traffic and leads.
This post Digital Marketing in Jacksonville Florida is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Jacksonville Search Engine Optimization
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
One of the strong points of Jacksonville, Florida is its diverse economy. While the top largest
industries are banking, healthcare, and logistics, other sectors also thrive well in the city and
these include consumer goods, information services, manufacturing, and insurance. And of
course, just like most cities—if not all—in the United States, J-ville is also rich when it comes to
digital marketing and SEO companies.
Many Jacksonville business owners and professionals already know the importance of digital
marketing to their respective companies, however, not all are well-versed when it comes to the
role of search engine optimization (SEO) in the success of their website and business as a whole.
Why is Jacksonville SEO important?
SEO is not only limited to the confines of building quality links and driving organic traffic to
your site by optimizing your web pages. Rather, its influence also stretches up to your other
digital marketing efforts such as paid search and social media marketing. That is because,
through SEO, consumers will find it easier to discover your site when they search for a
product/service that your company sells. With the help of a Jacksonville Search Engine
Optimization company, you don’t need to tire yourself out. They can do all the SEO works for
you and ensure that they can deliver your exact business needs.
The SEO Process
Be reminded that SEO is a constantly growing task, not to mention a challenge for many small
businesses and online based companies. The right Jacksonville SEO company will be able to
give you your desired results that will satisfy your visitors as well as the search engines.
Technical SEO
A technical SEO audit is done to your site in order to find out its weak points and determine how
your SEO company can fix these issues. Such issues usually include your site not getting
properly indexed or your rankings and leads suddenly tanked for some reason unknown to you.
On-page SEO
One of the important parts of on-page SEO is placing certain keywords within your content in
order to boost your web pages with what search engines are looking for. In doing so, it will
increase your site traffic. Aside from this, this process also converts generating fresh content and
a suitable and attractive website layout so that site traffic will come and stay on your site.
A boost in Page speed
Website optimization, specifically, page speed, is one of the top ten factors of Google in
determining the ranking of websites on their search results. So the faster your page loads, then
the lesser the odds of your customers leaving your site and the higher your search rankings
Off-page SEO
There are multiple factors that surround the off-page SEO of your website. These factors include
social signals, open graph meta tags as well as how well your page is viewed when shared on
social media and how your site is displayed in Google.
Local SEO
If your goal is more on improving the local visibility of your site, then local business directories
or citations are excellent ways to do this. There are different levels of directories such as minor
local directories, major general listings, industry or profession-specific citations, and many more.
This post Jacksonville Search Engine Optimization is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Jacksonville Florida SEO
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
Located in the southeastern part of the United States, Jacksonville is one of the most populous
cities in the state of Florida with an estimated 2017 population if 896,062. One of the famous
scenic spots in Jacksonville is the Tumucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve, a 46,000-acre
national park where wilderness, historic buildings, and exhibits can be found in one place.
The city is surrounded by Johns River and the Atlantic Ocean which highly contributed to its growth
and industry. Aside from being a home to numerous first-rate corporations and organizations,
Jacksonville also has its share of medium-sized and small businesses.
Jacksonville SEO company with leading SEO specialists
Suffice it to say, Jacksonville is a rich and big city with thousands of career opportunities. Just
like any other Jacksonville businesses out there, for you to be successful, you need to have a
great SEO campaign with SEO strategies that are truly effective.
With the ultimate goal of increasing the visibility and online exposure of your e-commerce store
or local business, SEO companies can achieve this by driving more organic traffic to your site.
Off-Page SEO
In a successful SEO campaign, there has to be a good and search engine friendly link building
strategy. The primary goal of search engines such as Google is to provide users with the most
relevant results possible.
When building for links, you have to focus more on the quality rather than the quantity.
The higher the quality the links that are directed to your site, the higher your
domain authority becomes.
A quality link building will drive traffic to your site and enable your
site to maintain long-term visibility. Also, you need to pay attention to your site’s content
because the more unique and high quality your content is, the more sites will want to naturally
link to it.
On-Page SEO
The basic yet the most important part of SEO is the optimization of your website. Organic SEO
is the main source of growth in relation to search engine optimization. While it will truly take
some time and effort to reach the degree of growth you want, SEO will give you the most
sustainable, long-lasting, and best results over time.
On-site SEO is essentially the optimization
of each of your site’s webpages with the purpose of bringing more traffic to your site and
ultimately, ranking your web pages higher in search engines.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is one of the key foundations of SEO and when done properly, it has the
power to attract the right audience to your site and boost your site’s performance in the process.
Yes, content is king, but it is also important to consider that only good quality contents are
deemed worthy and valuable by search engines.
This means your content should be unique, relevant and has internal links.
You can start harnessing the content marketing aspect of your business by posting an original
blog every week or two. Of course, you can also do this—quickly and easily—by hiring a
Jacksonville SEO company that offers content writing services.
This post Jacksonville Florida SEO is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.
Monday, March 11, 2019
4 Apps That Will Be Of Great Help To San Jose Business Owners
Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
Life, as we all know it these days, is now submerged with apps. In fact, there’s an app for almost everything from things like hotel bookings and translations for travelers to wellness apps like daily yoga workout and meditation. What’s more, small business owners in San Jose, CA can also partake in this “era of apps.” And so, here are some apps that will be very useful when running your small business. Take a look at the ones that you think is/are suited to your needs.
- HoursTracker (for time-tracking)
For startups and small businesses, HoursTracker is great for you. Even freelancers can make use of this app to help keep track of their working hours. This app assists you in monitoring the hours spent on various projects separately as well as help you track your pay as it can be configured with several pay rates. The features of this app vary on the version you are using. For instance, the free version allows you to monitor three jobs and three weeks of work. For paid versions, it comes in two kinds. The Personal version that gives you unlimited entries for a maximum of five jobs and the Pro version that offers unlimited entries and unlimited jobs.
- Invoice by Wave (for billing and invoicing)
If you’re looking for an invoice service that is unlimited, then you can go with the Invoice by Wave app. It is perfect for small businesses, contractors, and freelancers to help manage their bills and invoices. This app records details about your clients and can be set to give you reminders on when invoices have to be sent. Moreover, it can also automatically send invoices as well as receipts. What’s more, you can make use of credit card processing for quicker payments through Wave Payments, which will deduct a certain amount for each transaction since the app itself is already for free.
- Trello (for project management and collaboration)
Trello is a project management app that facilitates a smoother collaboration between single business owners or small businesses that employ multiple employees as they work together as a team on several tasks. This app not only has customized workflows and checklists but can also be uploaded with photos, work offline, assign tasks, and many more. Trello can be easily integrated with other platforms and services including Google Drive and Dropbox. The free version already offers promising services, however, you can have yours upgraded to Trello Gold to get more bells and whistles.
- MailChimp (for mailing lists management)
MailChimp is an app used for managing mailing lists and has referred itself as the world’s largest marketing automation platform. Apart from managing your mailing lists, this app also can develop marketing campaigns by offering integrated ad campaigns that you can run on websites such as Instagram and Facebook. In addition, it generates performance reports for your efforts to help you make some adjustments to achieve a better performance next time around. Lastly, it offers templates that can meet some of your needs and can be used for free.
For a phone consult about how San Jose SEO can benefit your company give us a call.
This post 4 Apps That Will Be Of Great Help To San Jose Business Owners is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.